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Ernst Responds to President Biden’s Joint Address to Congress

The Iowa senator stated that Senator Tim Scott, who gave the Republican response, “laid out a better vision for America: one of opportunity and freedom, and of growth and prosperity.”

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) tonight responded to President Joe Biden’s joint address to Congress—noting that the president’s inauguration promise of bipartisanship and unity rings hollow 100 days later. Ernst called on President Biden to change course and work across the aisle to support the hardworking men and women across this great nation.
Ernst stated that Senator Tim Scott, who gave the Republican response, “laid out a better vision for America: one of opportunity and freedom, and of growth and prosperity.”
Click here or on the image above for Senator Ernst’s response.
For downloadable audio of Senator Ernst’s response, click HERE.
For downloadable video of Senator Ernst’s response, click HERE.
Senator Ernst’s full remarks are below:
“It’s been nearly 100 days since President Biden delivered his Inaugural Address, promising our nation bipartisanship and unity.
“But folks, the reality is, those words ring hollow.
“In 100 days President Biden has completely abandoned bipartisanship and has taken a very sharp Left turn down a path that solely prioritizes Democratic special interests over the American people.
“In his first day in office, the president signed a flurry of executive actions that have created a new migrant crisis at our southern border; targeted Iowa-grown biofuels by attempting to transition to electric vehicles; and killed thousands of American jobs by canceling the Keystone XL pipeline.
“Instead of working with Republicans to pass a COVID relief bill, President Biden ignored efforts by Senate Republicans to seek a bipartisan solution and fast-tracked trillions of dollars in non-COVID spending in a strictly partisan fashion.
“And now, President Biden is blowing up a traditionally bipartisan issue—infrastructure—and is looking to pass a partisan, over 2 trillion dollar package that spends less on roads and bridges than it does on elements of the Green New Deal and other progressive priorities.
“The Biden Administration has made many reckless foreign policy decisions—from immediately reviving negotiations with Iran, a state sponsor of terrorism who continues to inch closer to a nuclear weapon, to potentially destabilizing the Middle East with a non-conditions based draw down of troops in Afghanistan.
“On top of it all, President Biden has refused to fully condemn calls from members of his own party to fundamentally change our democratic process by abolishing the filibuster and packing the Supreme Court.
“Iowans are tired of the partisan bickering in Washington and the radical ideas of the liberal left. They want Congress to work together on real issues that will improve the lives of all Americans.
“That’s why I was so proud of and thrilled to hear the inspiring message from my dear friend and fellow Senator Tim Scott. 
“Senator Scott has lived the American dream and has continued to be a tireless advocate for underserved people and communities throughout the country.
“Senator Scott laid out a better vision for America: one of opportunity and freedom, and of growth and prosperity.
“Just like Senator Scott, I’m an eternal optimist and I believe in America. I sincerely hope that my Democratic colleagues and President Biden will change course and truly work with us in a bipartisan way to support the hardworking men and women across this great nation.”