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With Inflation Top of Mind for Iowans, Ernst Tells Dems: “Now is not the time to raise taxes”

The Iowa senator was just on her 99 County Tour across Iowa where inflation dominated her conversations with farmers, families, veterans, small businesses, and others.

WASHINGTON – After a swing of stops on her 99 County Tour across Iowa this past week, where inflation dominated the conversations she had when meeting with farmers, families, veterans, small businesses, and others, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) today told President Biden and Democrats in Washington that inflation is a top issue for American families and that “now is not the time to raise taxes,” as Democrats are threatening to do yet again with their reckless tax-and-spend plan.

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Click here or on the image above for video of Ernst’s remarks.

Ernst told Democrats to “stop the out-of-control government spending spree” and to “unleash American energy so we can bring costs down.” She also pointed to her PRICE Act—her bill that requires Congress to disclose how much every bill will impact inflation—as a way to rein in Washington’s spending.

Ernst has continued to highlight the impact of inflation on hardworking Iowans. On her 99 County Tour this year, Ernst has been visiting with small businesses, farmers, students, and other Iowans and has been hearing about the issues they’re facing as a consequence of the Biden administration’s reckless federal spending spree.

Ernst also helped introduce an amendment to the Senate Rules to require all bills passed by Senate committees to include inflationary impact statements, so Americans can see the true impacts of government spending.
