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ICYMI: Ernst to Biden Ahead of Title 42 Ending: “Secure our Border, Finish the Wall”

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) blasted the Biden administration for failing to address the border crisis, which will only get worse as Title 42 ends on Thursday, and presented Republican solutions to secure the border. As communities brace for an increased influx of illegal immigrants, Ernst is leading the BUILD IT Act, which would allow states to finish the border wall by using already purchased materials.


View highlights from Ernst’s interviews below:



Click here or on the image above to watch her full interview with Maria Bartiromo.


Ernst warned about the impact every state will experience as the border crisis worsens this week: “We can expect with Title 42 ending, this rapid influx of illegal migrants. It is devasting, not just to those border states, but to all of our states. Even Iowa, right smack dab in the middle of the country, is experiencing fentanyl deaths to an unprecedented level.”


“[Joe Biden] has turned a blind eye to what’s going on at the Southern border.”


“It is already a humanitarian crisis. It will increase exponentially next week.”


“Many of these people have been coached by the cartels to claim asylum. They will never show up in court. They will be turned out into the United States.”



Click here or on the image above to watch her full interview with Molly Line.


During her interview with Fox News, Ernst contrasted the Biden administration’s failure to address the border crisis with her solution to secure the border: “We absolutely need more border patrol agents. We need more K-9 units at our ports of entry to search for fentanyl. We need an interagency task force to combat the fentanyl and illicit drug trafficking…We need to finish building the wall.


“I’m introducing my BUILD IT Act, which would allow the materials the federal government has already purchased to be taken by our states and allowing our states to continue the border wall. It’s a simple solution.”


“There are so many things we can do, but President Biden refuses to move on any of them.”


Ernst concluded by calling on Biden to implement solutions to secure the border: “We have gone from crisis under the Biden administration – with 5.5 million illegal immigrants entering into the United States over the course of the past two years. We’ve gone from that crisis to absolute catastrophe as the end of Title 42 is rapidly approaching. The Biden administration has waited far too long to implement some of these rules that could have helped early on. We have solutions. We would love to have Biden implement them.”


Learn more about Ernst’s BUILD IT Act here.
