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Ernst Statement on Iran’s Nefarious Actions

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, a combat veteran and chairman of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, issued the following statement with regard to Iranian actions in the Middle East and possible action by the U.S.:

“The recent actions by Iran show its increasing desperation in the face of President Trump’s maximum pressure campaign including economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation. I agree with the president that we do not want a war with Iran. Should Iran continue these nefarious actions, and military action be warranted, Congress must play an integral role in that process—and that should include a briefing by the administration on the matter. Iran should make no mistake about it: we will defend ourselves, our allies, and our interests in the region.”


On Thursday, June 13 two oil tankers—commercial ships—near Iran and the Strait of Hormuz were attacked. After reading intelligence on the matter, the Trump Administration announced that Iran was behind the attacks on two oil tankers. Over the weekend, it was reported that Iran attempted to shoot down a U.S. drone that was surveilling the attack on the two tankers.  In addition, Iran announced that on June 27, they plan to breach the limit on its stockpile of enriched uranium that was set under a 2015 nuclear deal with world powers.
