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Ernst, Budd Call on Qatar to Expel Hamas Leaders

WASHINGTON — After reports that Hamas refused the latest U.S.-brokered hostage offer, U.S. Senators Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Ted Budd (R-N.C.) issued a statement calling on the State of Qatar to immediately expel all members of Hamas’s political office currently residing in Doha.

“Enough is enough. It is crystal clear that Hamas has no interest in reasonable negotiations to release hostages from Gaza, including U.S. citizens. Qatar’s harboring and support have led Hamas to believe that it can kill and kidnap Americans with impunity. This must end now. We urge the Biden administration to demand that Qatar expel Hamas from Doha immediately. Until Doha acts against the Hamas leaders it is currently sheltering, we will work with our colleagues to hold Qatar accountable for its support of this vile terrorist group.”


In the wake of the horrific terrorist attacks on Israel by Iran-backed Hamas, Ernst met with the hostage families in Israel and has remained in close contact with them.

In October 2023, Ernst led a bipartisan group of her colleagues urging President Biden to focus his full attention on freeing American hostages taken by Hamas. In December, Ernst led a bipartisan letter calling on President Joe Biden to leverage the U.S. diplomatic relationship with Qatar to secure the immediate release of the remaining hostages.

In January 2024, she returned from leading a bipartisan, bicameral delegation to Egypt, Israel, Qatar, and Bahrain solely focused on securing the immediate release of American hostages and continues her work to bring them home.
