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Ernst Bill to Eliminate WOTUS Rule Passes Both Chambers, Moves to President’s Desk

“I will continue to fight for hardworking Americans who are harmed by the EPA’s overreach and today, Congress is calling on President Obama to do the same.”

WASHINGTON, D.C. –U.S. Senator Joni Ernst’s (R-IA) resolution of disapproval (S.J. Res. 22) to end the expanded definition of the “Waters of the U.S.” (WOTUS) rule today passed the House with bipartisan  support. This momentum follows bipartisan passage in the Senate last November. The legislation now heads to President Obama’s desk.

“Today’s House passage of my legislation to scrap the expanded WOTUS rule is a major step forward toward stopping this blatant EPA power grab. Our farmers and ranchers know how to care for and   conserve their own land without the harmful interference of Washington   bureaucrats from the EPA telling them what’s best.

“President Obama must now decide between an unchecked federal agency or the livelihoods of those in our rural communities who say this rule must be stopped.

“I will continue to fight for hardworking Americans who are harmed by the EPA’s overreach and today, Congress is calling on President Obama to do the same.”

Senator Ernst’s   Efforts to Scrap WOTUS Rule:

  • Called out the EPA’s illegal use of taxpayer dollars to rally support for the harmful WOTUS rule.
  • Applauded Senate passage of her resolution of disapproval to scrap the WOTUS rule which passed with bipartisan majority support.
  • Spoke on the floor of the Senate to urge support for her resolution of disapproval   to eliminate the expanded definition of the WOTUS rule.
  • Released a statement following a federal court ruling to issue a nationwide stay, suspending implementation of WOTUS.
  • Cosponsored Senator Barrasso’s proposal, which provided clear principles and directions for the EPA and ACE to craft a WOTUS rule that takes into consideration positions held by key stakeholders.
  • Denounced the EPA’s finalized WOTUS rule as harmful to Iowa.
  • Introduced Iowa farmer and small business owner Darcy Maulsby to testify on the impact of WOTUS before the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, and share her personal experience with the harmful impact and overregulation by the EPA in Iowa.
  • Invited EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy to Iowa to see the potential impact of overregulation in Iowa. Administrator McCarthy has yet to take Senator Ernst up on this offer.

Impact on Iowa:

According to an analysis by the Iowa Farm Bureau, an expanded definition of the WOTUS rule would expand EPA jurisdiction to over approximately 97 percent of Iowa. See map below:

WOTUS Iowa Map
