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Grassley, Ernst Urging USDA to Utilize Resources to Fight Avian Flu

Source: WHO

United States Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst want all available resources to be deployed to help Iowa fight the avian flu.

In a letter sent on Tuesday to Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Ernst and Grassley wrote that they have heard from numerous poultry producers who are concerned about adequate resources being dispatched to the state.

“I’ve heard from producers that the current pace at which depopulation is occurring may not be fast enough. There are additional questions about how long producers will need to leave their barns empty once the depopulation process is complete and sites are deemed free of this disease by testing,” Grassley said in the letter. “USDA could help calm a lot of nerves if they provided answers to a few of these questions.

Ernst had similar thoughts on the situation and stressed decisions need to be made swiftly.

“It’s critical that we work as quickly as possible to stop this outbreak of the avian influenza to safeguard Iowa’s poultry and egg producers,” Ernst said in the letter. “I have heard their concerns and will continue to push the USDA to take the necessary steps in the disposal, cooperation and preventive measures to combat further spread and assist our producers, rural communities and industry nationwide.”

On Tuesday, the Iowa Department of Agriculture announced three more possible cases of the avian flu in Buena Vista County and one confirmed case in Osceola County.

At this time, an estimated 24 million birds need to be depopulated to prevent the spread of the disease.

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