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Ernst Introduces Fifth-Generation Farmer & Small Business Owner from Iowa to Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) introduced Mrs. Darcy Dougherty Maulsby, a fifth-generation farmer and small business owner from Lake City, Iowa, to the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee. Mrs. Maulsby testified before the committee on the impact of the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule, and shared her personal experience with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) harmful impact and overregulation in Iowa.

Click here or on the image below to watch Senator Ernst’s introduction.


SENATOR ERNST: Thank you Mr. Chairman, very much. As the second panel is getting settled, I’ll go ahead and start off by thanking all of you for joining us here today. It is good to have you with us and I do appreciate your testimony and attention to this important widespread economic and regulatory issue.

The EPA’s proposed expanded definition of Waters of the United States, or as we fondly call it, WOTUS, will add unnecessary bureaucratic red tape for our producers in the Ag and small business communities. 

The EPA has stated that the rule has been crafted with the intentions of creating clarity and increasing efficiency for key stakeholders. However, in reality, the proposed rule has only expanded confusion and uncertainty as to how far the jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act reaches.

It is incredibly important that—before this rule is finalized—we stop it from having any negative consequences on our producers and businesses. 

And if the EPA still fails to listen to the many voices raising concerns—including those of many of you in this room today—then we should all come together and oppose this rule.

Today, it is my great pleasure to introduce one of those voices—Darcy Maulsby is a fifth generation corn and soybean farmer and small business owner from Lake City, Iowa. 

Her work, both on the farm and in owning a communications and marketing business, has given her a unique opportunity to engage local, national, and world leaders to promote the benefits of agriculture to our economy. 

Mrs. Maulsby has used her skills in journalism and mass communications to reach untold audiences promoting the importance of improving production and conservation practices and life in rural America.

Mrs. Maulsby, Darcy, it is always good to have a fellow Iowan in Washington.  And thank you very much for testifying today, your words are going to be very important for this panel. I will not be able to stay for questions, but I will submit those for the record.*

And, just so everybody knows, they did have quite an episode a few weeks ago with a tornado that came through Lake City. So Darcy, we appreciate the extra effort that it took for you to come and be with us today. So thank you very much. And thanks to everybody on the panel as well. Thank you.

*NOTE: Senator Ernst was not able to stay for questions, due to her responsibilities to preside over the Senate floor. The Senator will submit questions for the record.

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